Fuji kanko Kaihatsu Co.,Ltd
General Affairs Department, General Affairs Division Manager
Mr. keiichiro WATANABE
The headquarters of Fuji Kanko Kaihatsu Co., Ltd is located in front of Kawaguchiko Station, the gateway to Mt.Fuji. They run the leisure industry such as golf courses, hotels, ski resorts, amusement parks, beer restaurants, camping facilities, and hot spring facilities, mainly in Fujikawaguchiko town and Narusawa village. In addition to these leisure industries, they also develop business from various aspects such as real estate business and life distribution business. This time, we had an interview with Mr. Keiichiro Watanabe, who works for the General Affairs Department of Fuji Kanko Kaihatsu Co., Ltd about foreign staff and communication with foreign tourists.
Q: 貴社は富士河口湖町を中心にレジャー施設をはじめ様々な事業を展開されていますが、最近はインバンドの観光客の方も多く、今までとは外国語対応などの接客サービスも必要とされているのでしょうか。
Q: A variety of businesses, including leisure facilities has been developed by your company, mainly in Fujikawaguchiko town, so, recently there are many inbound tourists. Could you tell me what kind of customer service you are offering especially for foreign customers?
A: はい。海外からも多くの方が来られていますし、オリンピック以降も多くの方がこの地に魅力を感じ訪れていただけると思っています。また私たちのスタッフの中にも外国籍の優秀な方が活躍しています。中には日本に何年も住んでいる方もいますし、今後も山梨県内の大学を中心に留学生の方も採用していきたいと思っています。
A: Many people come from overseas, and I think many people will visit this area after the Olympics also. In addition, excellent foreigners are also active in our staff. Some of them have lived in Japan for many years, and I would like to continue recruiting international students from Yamanashi Prefecture.
Q: 外国人スタッフの方の採用は、県内を中心に採用を考えられているということですが、それはどういうことからですか?
Q: You are considering to recruit foreign staff mainly from Yamanashi prefecture. What is the reason?
A: はい。実はこの富士河口湖という町の特性を知っている方、すでにここにネットワークをお持ちの方の方が、入社後も安心して勤務いただけると思っています。東京とはやはり交通の事情も違いますし、天候も違います。
A: Well, In fact, I think that those who know the characteristics of this town of Fuji Kawaguchiko and who already have a network here will be able to work in peace. The traffic situation is different from Tokyo, and the weather is also different.
To be honest, at this time, it is difficult to arrange buses and other dedicated vehicles exclusively for such staff to commuting, so we are mainly recruiting those who already have a living base here.
In that regard, I expect that students at Fujiyama JLS will have a part-time job while they are at Fujiyama JLS or work as one of our colleagues after graduation from Fujiyama JLS. If they have graduated from university in their home country, they would be able to get a work visa in Japan.
Q: ありがとうございます。私たちも教育という形で留学生の自己実現を支援したいと思っています。ところで、外国語ができる人材のニーズが高まっていることですが、渡辺さんご自身も、外国語、得意でいらっしゃるんですか。
Q: Thank you. We also want to support international students from the point of education. By the way, the need for human resources who can speak a foreign language is growing. Is Mr. Watanabe himself good at foreign languages? By the way, the need who can speak a foreign language is growing. Are you yourself good at foreign languages?
A: いえ、実は私は外国人の方にも基本的には日本語でお話しするんです。できるだけ相手が分かりそうな言葉を選んで、遠慮せずにどんどんこちらから、「こんにちは」と挨拶したり、道に迷っている人がいれば、必要があれば私たちのホテルの宿泊客かどうかは関係なく、車で宿泊場所まで案内することもあるんですよ。
A: No. Actually, I usually speak to foreigners in Japanese. I chose basic Japanese words and grammar and talk to foreigners without hesitation such as “Konnichiwa (Hello)”.
If there is a person who is lost, I sometimes give him or her a lift to one’s hotel if necessary, regardless of whether they are guests of our hotel or not.
Q: 渡辺さんは日本語でどんどん相手の懐に飛び込んでいくんですね。旅先でのこうした交流が思い出になったり、その国の印象になったりするんですよね。
Q: Mr. Watanabe, you talk to foreigners without hesitation in Japanese and make a good relation with them. These kinds of interactions on their travels can be a good memory of trips and an impression of the country.
A: はい。困っている方がいたら放っておけないんです。数年前ですが雪の残る季節でした。駅前でもう日も落ち、気温も冷え込んできたころに、中国からの観光客の方がお1人で道に迷われていたようなんです。聞いたらどうもゲストハウスに行きたいようなんですが、新しいところなのか地図アプリで探しても出てこないんです。そこで、車に乗って頂き一緒に僕も探したんです。
A: Right! If people are in trouble, I can’t let them go. A few years ago, it was a snowy day. At that time the sun had fallen and the temperature had gone down, I found a tourist like a Chinese person in front of the station. And she seemed to have lost her way and I talked to her. She wanted to go to a guest house but the place might be new and I couldn’t find it by map app. So I asked her to get in my car and we looked for the guest house together. Then, the Chinese young lady suddenly started crying on the way. Before she came to Japan, she had heard a lot about the cold behavior of Japanese people to Chinese people and she had had a negative impression of Japanese. However, I was kind to her regardless of her nationality so she was surprised and cried in happiness. When I heard what she said and saw her tears, I imagined her anxiousness and how she felt and came here under the big stress. And I also was very happy she was so pleased with my small kindness.
【インタビュー後記】 [After interview]
Fuji kanko Kaihatsu Co.,Ltd. has a basic philosophy of “harmony between nature and humans.” In a magnificent and sometimes harsh nature, I wondered if people would strengthen ones’ connections with others. Also, I believe that someone who starts talking to foreigners naturally and doing what they can to help like Mr. Watanabe are making this town more attractive.
インタビュー: ふじやま国際学院 2020年1月24日
Interviewed on 24th Jan. 2020
By Fujiyama Kokusai Gakuin
Fujiyama Japanese language School