Even though I am a Japanese native speaker, sometimes when I talk with students, I have occasions that I can’t find the proper word in Japanese right away.

Today in the intermediate class, we talked about “recommended movies”

Among them, a student said, “This movie gives advice in activities”??

“Hmm !?” I couldn’t get it when I heard it and asked her to explain more. She wanted to say “the film shows what people should do for the better life by “action” instead of “explaining in words”.

I think, most of people probably can’t get the meaning of “Advice through activities”, but I couldn’t figure out what to say in Japanese, so I was in a dilemma.

態度で示す!? やって見せる!? 行動で示す!?
Show with attitude! ?? Do and Show !? Show in action! ??

うーん。 そのおすすめ映画は「エマ」というイギリス映画だそうです。
Hmmm. The recommended movie is a British movie called “Emma”.
今週末、チャンスあったり見てみたいです。 きっと映画を見たらぴったりした言葉が見つかるような気がしています。
I would like to see if there is a chance this weekend. I’m sure you can find the perfect word when you watch the movie.

Fujiyama Japanese Language School
  ◆富士山の麓にある日本語学校 School at the foot of Mt. Fuji
  ◆留学生の日本語クラス Long-Term Program
  ◆短期日本語コース   Short-Term Program